CSC 6991  Special Topics - Geometric Modeling and Applications in Computer Graphics (Fall 2015)

Important Notices:

Course Information:

Course Ref. No.: 17021

Term: Fall 2015

Time: Tue/Thu 4:30-5:50 PM

Location: 0409 STAT

Instructor Contact Information:

Name: Zichun Zhong

Phone Number: 313-577-9530

Office Location: 5057 Woodward Ave, Suite 14200.10, Detroit, Michigan, 48202

Office Hours: Mon & Wed: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Email Address:


Course Description and Goals: 

The main focus of the course is to investigate various representations of 3D shapes and objects, as well as their widespread applications in computer graphics and visualization fields. For instance, "how can we build a model from acquired 3D data (i.e., scanned data, medical images, unorganized sets of polygons, voxels, etc.)?" and "how can we use the model for reconstruction, simplification, recognition of 3D objects?" Potential applications for the proposed methods include computer-aided design, medical imaging, social networks, entertainment, and education. The goal of this course is to provide graduate students who are interested in graphics and visualization a comprehensive knowledge on geometric concepts and algorithms via both lectures and class discussions. The following topics will be covered:

  • Representation of 3D Objects 
  • 3D Reconstruction Issues 
  • 3D Surface Mesh Generation 
  • 3D Volume Mesh Generation 
  • Reconstruction of Voxels from Sensor Data 
  • Reconstruction of 3D Meshes from Point Clouds 
  • Reconstruction of 3D Meshes from Images, such as CT/MRI Medical Images 
  • Simplification of 3D Meshes 
  • Subdivision Surfaces 
  • Reconstruction of Deformable Models from 3D Data 
  • Dynamic Meshes in Computer Animation

Recommended Book:

  • There are no particular textbooks for this course. But the following textbook will be suggested: Siu-Wing Cheng, Tamal Krishna Dey, and Jonathan Richard Shewchuk, Delaunay Mesh Generation, Chapman and Hall/CRC, December 2012. ISBN-13: 978-1584887300.

  • All the course topics and materials are selected from top journals and conferences in computer graphics and visualization fields, such as ACM TOG, IEEE TVCG, CAD, CAGD, SIGGRAPH, IEEE Visualization, EG, PG, SGP, SPM, GMP, SMI, MICCAI, etc.

Useful Graphics Books: 

  • OpenGL Programming Guide: The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL, Versions 3.0 and 3.1 (7th Edition), Addison Wesley, 2009. ISBN-13: 978-0321552624. A free online version:
  • Interactive Computer Graphics: A Top-Down Approach with Shader-Based OpenGL (6th Edition), Pearson, ISBN-10: 0132545233 ISBN-13: 978-0132545235.

OpenGL Programming Guide and Environments:

  • Running OpenGL/GLUT with Visual Studio 2005/2008/2010
  • Lecture Notes: (All slides and reference materials are posted on Blackboard at WSU)

    Syllabus (Available on Blackboard now)

    Blue color is done




    Introduction to Geometric Modeling and Applications in Computer Graphics


    Introduction to Computer Graphics and OpenGL / 3D Reconstruction Issues


    3D Surface Mesh Generation


    3D Surface Mesh Generation


    3D Surface Mesh Generation


    3D Surface Mesh Generation


    Proposal Discussion


    Proposal Discussion


    Proposal Discussion


    3D Volume Mesh Generation


    3D Volume Mesh Generation


    Reconstruction of 3D Volume Images from 2D Projections


    Reconstruction of 3D Volume Images from 2D Projections


    Reconstruction of 3D Meshes from Point Clouds


    Reconstruction of 3D Meshes from Point Clouds


    Reconstruction of 3D Meshes from Images, such as CT/MRI Medical Images


    Mid-Term Presentation


    Mid-Term Presentation


    Reconstruction of 3D Meshes from Images, such as CT/MRI Medical Images / Simplification of 3D Meshes


    Simplification of 3D Meshes


    Subdivision Surfaces


    Subdivision Surfaces


    Mesh-based Deformations


    Mesh-based Deformations


    Holiday -  No Classes


    Dynamic Meshes in Computer Animation


    Reviews / Questions and Answers


    Final Presentation and Demo


    Final Presentation and Demo


    (1)   Proposal: 10% (Due date: 09/29/2015)

    -          Study a set of relevant papers (3-5 papers)

    -          Submit your own 1-2 page course project proposal

    (2)   Mid-term report and presentation: 10% (Due date: 10/27/2015)

    -          Submit your own mid-term report and implement basic functionalities and user interface before the mid-term check point

    -          Give a class presentation

    (3)   Final presentation and demo: 20%

          -     Give a class presentation and final project demonstration

          (4) Project (submit code and final report): 60% (Due date: 12/10/2015)

    Prerequisites: This is a graduate-level course. But undergraduate students would still be able to take this course. Some basic background in linear algebra and programming (CSC 2000 or equivalent) is assumed. Knowledge about computer graphics (CSC 5870) and geometry will be helpful.

    Course & Instructor Policies:

    (1) Copying source code from another student in this class or obtaining a solution from some other source will lead to an automatic failure for this course and to a disciplinary action. In this case, you may be given a score of 0 for the assignment or project in question (and the other party will get a failure).

    (2) No late submission for assignment will be accepted.

    (3) Grades will be posted on the blackboard.

    (4) If there is any special case, please inform the instructor in advance.